Rachel Camoens

Principal Consultant

Singapore – The little ol’ sunny island 😎

It is a privilege for me to be able to make a positive impact on someone’s life by finding them their dream job. People intrigue me. Everyone has a story and a dream so for me being able to help them bring it to life gives me so much satisfaction and joy.

Software Engineering – Back-End & Mobile Development

A professional dancer travelling the world performing!

My 2 passions are dancing and boxing. I absolutely love the feeling I get after a dance and boxing session. The combination of calm and adrenaline that it gives me (I know contradictory) is so empowering and brings me so much joy.

Packing up 2 suitcases, okay maybe 3 ( I love fashion too much) and moving to Australia without ever having step foot in the country or knowing a single person here. Having the courage to do this and take the leap without any regrets has been by biggest achievement in life.

Nelson Mandela. I would cook him Nasi Lemak – one of my favourite dishes from home but I’ll tweak it with some really spicy sambal. Gotta have a bit of spice!

No one is you and that is your power.

You will face my defeats in life but never let yourself be defeated.

Rachel is a fantastic recruiter to work with; she is a rare recruiter who is compassionate about your situation and works hard to represent your interests and the company in a given case. Rachel is also very accessible and easy to talk to. She works diligently to address your questions and concerns promptly and effortlessly. There are also no hard edges to Rachel; like some other recruiters looking to fill a role, she takes great care in making sure you are comfortable with the process, the company, and the position. If you are looking for a technology role, I recommend Rachel.

James Griffis

When I started looking for a job in Sydney, Rachel was a great recruiter, and I was fortunate to find her! It was my first attempt to find a job in Australia, but everything went so smoothly that I didn't even get a chance to worry. Rachel took me through all the hiring process steps with a lot of support. She took the time to understand my strengths and then suggested several vacancies she had at the time and explained a great deal about every one of them. It was evident that she had a strong understanding of the software development market and what employees were looking for. She then organised an interview with an employer and gave me priceless advice on approaching and answering potential interview questions, which helped me immensely. After the interview, Rachel kept in touch and informed me about the process. Hearing her tell me that everything was going well was amicable and reassuring, and I stood a high chance of securing the job. It has been about four months since I got this job, but Rachel still calls me now and then, interested in how I'm doing. Working with Rachel was an absolute delight, and I recommend her to everyone who wants to find a significant role in software development!

Alex Naxmiev

    Meet Our Tribe

    Laura Derlacki - Talent Acquisition Lead



